TechTalks Februari 2021 - online

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  • Free event

Hi all we are looking forward to seeing you all again on our next online TechTalks in February.

Evening program

  • Lisa becker: Generative Adversarial Networks - the technology behind Deepfakes
  • Bramus Van Damme: The Future of CSS: Scroll-linked Animations with CSS @scroll-timeline
  • Janique-ka John: Staying Sane while working from home full time

Detailed Talk-info

Generative Adversarial Networks - the technology behind Deepfakes

Generative Adversarial Networks (=GANs) have been revolutionising the automatic generation of images and videos since 2014. While this machine learning architecture is being used in arts, science and video games, it is also abused to steal people's identities by generating fake news or porn with faces of people without their consent. This talk will give a short overview over what GANs are, how they work and their possibilities - the positive sides as well as the new dark world of Deepfakes and why we need to be careful - because with great power comes great responsibility.

About Lisa

Lisa is currently writing her Master's thesis at the University of Potsdam as an intern at the company ML6 where she develops an "intelligent illustrator", a text-guided image-to-image translator with Generative Adversarial Networks. Beside the practical applications in computer vision, she's also interested in the ethical aspect of machine learning. In her free time, she does various volunteer work, yoga, meditation, explores nature and loves popular science.

The Future of CSS: Scroll-linked Animations with CSS @scroll-timeline

A new and upcoming addition to CSS are “Scroll-linked Animations” which allows you to link animations to the scroll offset of a scroll container using only CSS — no JavaScript needed! In this demo-heavy presentation we'll dig into the what this spec has to offer and what we can build with it.

About Bram

​Bramus Van Damme is a web developer from Belgium. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since.

With his company 3RDS he works as a freelance developer, tackling both the frontend (HTML, CSS, JS) and the backend (PHP, MySQL). His current focus is on JavaScript, React and React Native yet his love for CSS will never fade.

Staying Sane while working from home full time

While some in our field have been working from home full time for years, many of use were unexpectedly plunged into this new way of working in March 2020. As amateur wfh-ers, we had a lot to learn about how to protect our mental health, especially as knowledge workers. I will share the key things I learned about staying sane in the unprecedented circumstances of not only working from home full-time, but also in a period where many typical destressers are forbidden

About Janique-Ka

Janique-ka is a software engineer at MEDIAGENIX and founder of the Women in Tech Caribbean community.

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